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개인정보 수집 및 이용에 대한동의

1. 수집하는 개인정보의 항목

- 필수항목 : 카테고리, 이름, 연락처, 이메일
- 선택항목 : 회사명, 부서/직급



As a professional production and construction company specializing in high-quality, high-efficiency bipv, we promise not to stop making various efforts and challenges.


Building support project

SK Solar Energy Building support project selected in 2025!!!

- This project was selected as a participating company in the solar energy sector of the Korea Energy Corporation.

What is a building support project?

  • Projects subsidized by the government to partially subsidize expenses incurred in installing renewable energy facilities (PV or BIPV) for self-consumption in commercial buildings, churches, warehouses, factories, livestock houses, etc

Support target

  • All general buildings

Buildings and facilities owned and managed by housing/national local governments/buildings subject to mandatory installation are excluded.

Support procedure

Business application
(Applicant, Participating Company -> Center)
  • (Applicant) Fill out the business application form and request a contract from the participating company
  • Final submission of business applications after reviewing (participating companies) business suitability, etc

Contract request and business application : Center homepage(https://www.knrec.or.kr) → Electronic civil service → Renewable energy → Building support

Review of application documents (Center)
  • Review application documents (check submission documents and eligibility for support)

If the application form is incomplete, the center can cancel the project

Assessment and selection of support targets (Center)
  • Evaluation and selection of project adequacy by energy source
Final business plan submission
(applicant, participating company center)
  • Submission of the final project plan for the selected project (after submission and approval of the geothermal use review in the case of geothermal heat)
Final approval of the project (center)
  • final approval of the project

After final approval, advance payment can be applied (applicant, participating company center) if necessary, and performance guarantee securities for advance payment are required when applying

Application for confirmation of facility construction and installation
(Applicant, Participating Enterprise Center)
  • Completion of facility construction (including connection with REMS) and application for installation confirmation (including input of CID code)

Applicant needs to check construction completion status

Installation confirmation and subsidy payment
  • Grant of subsidy if the installation confirmation result is suitable (Applicant's consent)